Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, september 2006

7 millur horfðu en BARA Íslendingar kusu ;)

Þetta er auðvitað BARA frábært!

Það er gaman að lesa erlendu spjallþræðina. Þar logaði allt í gær í umræðum um að ÖLL fyrirtæki og ALLIR skólar á Íslandi hefðu gefið frí morguninn eftir kosninguna (miðvikudagsmorgun) svo það gætu nú örugglega ALLIR Íslendingar kosið Magna ALLA nóttina.
Ekkert smá fyndið!

Þetta komment fékk t.d. mikil viðbrögð:

So, Magni sitting. Magni getting "the most" votes. I think this is ridiculous. Didn't iceland give people half-day vacations so they could devote their time to voting for him? This is a classic Jasmine Trias syndrome. Trust me- I live in hawaii. I've seen it first hand. It doesnt work forever. Allow the rockers who deserve to be there stay there, you are only delaying the inevitable.

Eins og þessi:

I love Iceland!! And Magni deserves to be 'there' as much as as anyone left. In a way I wished he was in the bottom three. He would have saved the night. (USA)

Iceland- by comparison Storm has Portland as her fanbase, which by itself is closing on 600,000 people, with another 600,000 in close proximity, and thats just one city in the US.(USA)

I love Magni...i think that the save magni campaign was supported by people all over if not for just a few sympathy votes from basically all of the patrice fanbase that stayed on with the show have all converted magni...where will ryans go? im guessing mostly toby, some lukas and a few magni or storm. (Filipseyjar)

Svo er þetta frekar fyndið:

Do you even know what the population IS in Iceland? It's smaller than Portland, Oregon! Portland has roughly 500,000 and the entire country of Iceland is somewhere around 300,000. Even Colorado Springs is larger. It's not just Iceland voting for him. ;)

But say only 50,000 of those people vote for him, and each one votes 10 times, that's half a million votes.
But, as long as we're assuming that a performer's countrymen are voting their asses off...can we assume that it's the 32,000,000 (or to use your assumption that 1/6 of the pop. are voting for 5,300,000ish) Canadians that are saving Lukas' doopa every week? It seems like Rockstar is huge up North and Lukas is getting quite a bit of pimping, as well.

Og þannig gengur þetta fram og tilbaka, er alveg í kasti yfir því hvað fólk getur verið klikk.
Auðvitað er svo fullt af hrósi og "Magna love" í gangi, um að gera að smella því með líka:

Magni, most votes tonight. GREAT! The Save Magni campaign worked. I like Magni. Nice to see him sit this one out.

Originally posted by monkeyaddict

Magni pretty much told Dave to "shut up". That should bring in at least another 100000 votes next week.
Yeeps, I totally agree. I´ve been waiting for someone to stick it up to Dave. Can´t be more thankful to Magni - he just got him self a new fan. I have loved him from the get go, but even more now. Go Magni, Toby and Lukas to the finale. People lets make it happen!!!!____________________________________________________________________
Supernova, just hire Magni already. He's funny, he's got the look, and he's got an accent! He's hours of conversation about music on the bus or airplane! He's the whole package...
BTW - I was so happy for Magni too. He is a stellar talented dude and I thought it was great for him that he got to stay sitting. I don't begrudge Iceland for voting their asses off - great job supporting your man. He kicked ass last night and I thought his genuine surprise at being the only one sitting was adorable and endearing. He has been in the bottom 3 before - he deserved a night to relax and enjoy.
Magni could probly sing while eating his morning Muselix or whatever cereal is popular in Iceland! He has that much vocal control!____________________________________________________________________

First off, loved that Team Iceland saved Magni! I love it!! Ten of those votes that put him there were mine!

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B Sjö milljónir horfðu á Rock Star: Supernova
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